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THE BATHROOM RAID starring in video Messy Paula, Scatdoll (50$ Hightide-Video/Hightide Video Productions)




Luscious Latin scat diva’s Paula and Scatdoll sent us some self-taped footage of a stunning girl-girl scat and vomit session that we simply couldn’t hold back, despite its below par audio quality. Watch in amazement as two happy-go-lucky hot-blooded kinksters ruin their bathroom with a smile!

Please note that this is amateur footage so the image and sound quality may not be perfect but the action is raw, extreme scatsex at its best.


The post THE BATHROOM RAID starring in video Messy Paula, Scatdoll (50$ Hightide-Video/Hightide Video Productions) first appeared on Extreme Scat Porn Site #1.

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