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Iris, Josie – You eat too much! (MFX) SD-480p / 443 Mb




Iris and Josie just got out of a dinner, but Iris ate a lot more than she could handle and now she’s having a hard time! She is suffering with a strong belly ache, and her friend, instead of helping, makes fun of her face. While Iris is in pain, Josie laughs out loud and makes jokes about the situation, but that soon ends because Iris gets angry and decides to punish her friend! Not being able to hold it anymore, the brunette shits around the room and on Josie’s body too, demeaning her and leaving her covered with diarrhea! The blonde soon regrets having mocked her friend, but it’s too late and Iris spreads shit all over, making Josie even eat and take everything she packs in a goblet! It’s disgusting! Josie will never mock someone again…

Starring: Iris and Josie
Studio: MFX
Genres: Scat, Piss, Spit, Diarrhea, Lesbian, Eat shit, Domination, Smearing, SD-480p
True Release Year: unknown

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File: Iris, Josie – You eat too much! (MFX).mp4
Size: 465152288 bytes (443,60 MiB), duration: 00:29:32, avg.bitrate: 2100 kb/s
Audio: aac, 44100 Hz, stereo (ehs)
Video: h264, yuv420p, 720×480, 29,97 fps(r) => 640×480 (ehs)

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