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4k Ultra HD [2019] Judging Scat – Victoria, Chimeny, Saori Kido [3,31 Gb / 2160p]




Victoria and Chimeny are telling stories of experiences with scat when a question arises: who shits better? That’s exactly where they decide to have a competition, and Victoria invites Saori to be the judge, after all no one understands poop better than her. Saori analyzes the smell, the consistency, the taste, the color and the bits of food that are in the shit, but most of all, she has fun and delights with the two dommes shitting at her. Chimeny and Victoria shit so much that the yellowish paste fills Saori’s body, which takes advantage of the situation and ultimately doesn’t reveal the winner! But I think we all agree that the shit of the two of them is very tasty, right?

Starring: Victoria, Chimeny, Saori Kido
Genres: Scat, Piss, Spit, Vomit, Lesbian, Domination, Eat shit, Smearing, Indoors, 4k ULTRA HD-2160p
True Release Date and Year: AUGUST 152019

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Judging Scat – Victoria, Chimeny, Saori Kido.mp4 – 3.31 GB

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