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[2019] Latifa, Iohana Alvez, Diana, Karla – Chocolate Cake (April 1) SD-480p / 923 Mb




It’s Karla’s birthday! Her great friends decide they will throw a surprise party to celebrate, including a delicious chocolate cake. When she arrives, Karla marvels at the party and thanks her friends, but also suggests that they make the party a little more interesting, with the peculiar little game that the four of them like to play. Inspired by the chocolate cake, these four will make their own, warm and brown, coming out of their intestines! Starting with a delicious asslicking and setting off for a mix of scat and other disgusting things, these girls make Karla’s birthday be incredible as they curl up and roll in a lot of shit! You’ll be thrilled with the amount of feces produced in this movie!…

Starring: Latifa, Iohana Alvez, Diana, Karla
Genres: Scat, Piss, Spit, Vomit, Big Pile, Lesbian, Eat shit, Orgy, Smearing, Scat Group, Only Girls
True Release Year: April 1-st2019

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File: chocolate cake – latifa, iohana alvez, diana, karla.mp4
Size: 968319632 bytes (923,46 MiB), duration: 01:01:31, avg.bitrate: 2099 kb/s
Audio: aac, 44100 Hz, stereo (ehs)
Video: h264, yuv420p, 720×480, 29,97 fps(r) => 640×480 (ehs)

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