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White shorts in the shit and the urine ($12.99 ScatShop)




This time I use to shoot white shorts , I went into the kitchen and I wanted to play a little with my pussy , I sat on the kitchen couch and spread your legs , first I show you my ass in white shorts , I take them off and show you my ass , my ass is so pretty and sweet , I again put the shorts back on my ass and stand up to cancer and shit and piss in his white pants , shit falls out of my shorts , I removed my shorts and smell my shit Oh fuck what a bliss , it’s such a thrill , after that I smear the shit with the shorts over my body, chest , stomach , I enjoy this process , I know you love to watch as I smear my body with shit . I was very excited and sniffing my shorts and at the same time masturbating her Clit Oh Yes I want to orgasm , Yes, I want to have fun , I enjoy what I do and then I cum from my pussy loosed a jet of squirt , urine , fucking I came . Again, I wear dirty shorts back on his ass . I think that you will be satisfied from watching this video and you want to see my own dirty whore which is ready for you all .


The post White shorts in the shit and the urine ($12.99 ScatShop) first appeared on Copro Porn Site #1.

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