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Wedding Gift – Latifa, Melanie, Adrielli


Amanda Blake


Title: Wedding Gift
Cast: Latifa, Melanie, Adrielli
Genre: Scat, Piss, Spit, Vomit, Big shit, Lesbian, Domination, Eat shit, Smearing
Duration: 00:30:32

Adrielle and Latifa will get married and they try to talk about this with their boss Melanie, but Melanie doesn’t agree and shows them who’s in control with a very hard punishment. If these two girls love each other that much, they will have to prove it. She makes them swallow each other piss, right from a glass. Then she makes them shit on a plate and feed the other one!!! Then things get messier because Melanie makes them play with that the scat and rub on their bodies. A true test of true love! Don’t miss it

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Latifa, Melanie, Adrielli

The post Wedding Gift – Latifa, Melanie, Adrielli first appeared on Copro Porn Site #1.

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