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Two Messy Diaper Girls (Jessie and Danni) HD-720p




40 Minutes Of SEXY MESSY fun with Danni and Jessie!

Danni and Jesse are having fun peeing and playing with each other in their wet diapers. When Jesse begins farting and holding her stomach Danni finds it very amusing, but when she tells her that it’s because she’s not able to poop, Danni comes up with a very sexy, very MESSY idea – pooping their diapers together!

Going to the kitchen, Danni grabs her enema bag and both girls take off their soggy diapers. Danni goes first, pushing the nozzle deep in to her butt hole and letting the water flow in, as Jesse watches on. Once she’s taken as much as she possibly can, Jesse helps her get a clean diaper on.

After watching Danni, Jesse is more excited than nervous now to try it out for herself. As it’s her first time, Danni helps her get the nozzle right up her bum and starts the water flowing.

Once both girls are back in their diapers they wriggle and squirm as they try to keep the enema inside. It’s not long though before they just can’t hold on for another second and let go of an explosive mess in their diapers!

Watch as both girls fill their diapers, The amazement on Jesses face as she sees Danni’s diaper filling up with poop to the point of it bulging in the leg band and threatening to escape – and wondering how messy the heavy diaper is between her own legs. With two girls in very messy diapers, the whole room stinks, but the feeling of the warm poop mushing around in their diaper, is making them both feel very sexy!

The two girls then go on to have lots of fun together in their very messy, very smelly diapers!

Cast: Jessie and Danni from MessyGirls

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two_messy_diaper_girls_-_jessie_and_danni.mov – 747.62 MB

File: two messy diaper girls – jessie and danni.mov
Size: 783940056 bytes (747,62 MiB), duration: 00:40:43, avg.bitrate: 2567 kb/s
Audio: aac, 48000 Hz, stereo (eng)
Video: h264, yuv420p, 1280×720, 29,97 fps(r) (eng)

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