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Three pairs of shoes full of shit starring in video Mistress/ModelNatalya94 ($14.99 ScatShop)




Girls Yana Carolina and Alice decided to arrange a show for you in which the girls first show you their shoes and legs , the girls take turns taking off each other’s shoes and show you their feet , then each of the girls poop in their shoes filling them with shit and urine , after each of the girls filled their shoes with shit and urine of the girl began to insert their feet into the shoes and then out of the shoes urine and shit , after that the girls again show you their shoes in which a lot of shit and urine .

Categories: Desperation, Groups/Couples, Poop Videos, Scat, Smearing


The post Three pairs of shoes full of shit starring in video Mistress/ModelNatalya94 ($14.99 ScatShop) first appeared on Copro Porn Site #1.

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