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Shitting on white panties – Milla, Saori Kido, Demmi




Scat, Piss, Spit, Big shit, Lesbian, Domination, Eat shit, Panty, Smearing

Saori’s belly is huge! Swollen by the gas and lots of shit accumulated in her gut, this slave can’t hold the farts and ends up shitting all the white panties she is wearing. Everything gets full of scat and pieces of digested food are all over the floor. When Milla, the other slave, sees the situation, she fights with Saori and tries to repair before Demmi, the domme, arrives. For their bad luck, Demmi opens the front door seconds later and sees all the shit scattered around the room. Very furious at what her slave has done, this domme obliges the two slaves to eat all the shit, to kiss and rub it all over the body, leaving them as disgusting as they left her house!…

AVC | 1920×1080 | 3375 kb/s
AAC LC | 44.1 kHz | 128 kb/s
MP4 | 00:36:21 | 912 MB

Download shit9999mi.mp4 from takefile.link (912.41 MB)

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