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Shit fuck shit through a gynecologic speculum (ModelNatalya94)



I was sick and in the morning, I was constipated I couldn’t go to the bathroom , I called home medical , the doctor Olga told me to lie on the table and remove your panties, I did not resist and did as the doctor said .

First Olga looked at me and then put me first gynecologic speculum into her pussy and then swapped gynecological mirror and stood me in the ass , and told me to shit through the mirror .

It became very hard to get shit , since I have constipation and in the ass is a gynecologic speculum . A little releasing the shit through the mirror , the doctor Olga salajeet on the table and begins to shit on me , fuck I didn’t expect . This is too much .

But the doctor Olga said that it’s necessary , Olga pulled out of my ass gynecologic speculum and began to stick me fuck your shit , she piled a bunch of shit on my body . Here is a fucking doctor , fucking constipated and she shit on me and puts me his shit in vagina I’m a little scared and then I got a blast of shit from my ass starts to go shit , it’s a miracle such a relief , doctor Olga struck the stagnant shit in my ass , but the result of a doctor’s visit, I’m all shit inside my vagina a lot of shit .

What is fucked up , but I hope you like it .

Shit fuck shit through a gynecologic speculum (ModelNatalya94) Image 1

Shit fuck shit through a gynecologic speculum (ModelNatalya94) Image 2

Shit fuck shit through a gynecologic speculum (ModelNatalya94) Image 3

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Shit fuck shit through a gynecologic speculum

STARRING : Modelnatalya94 – https://copro.pw/category/pornstars/vipmodelnata/

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File: Modelnatalya94 – shit fuck shit through a gynecologic speculum.mp4
Size: 1140383652 bytes (1,06 GiB), duration: 00:11:12, avg.bitrate: 13576 kb/s
Audio: aac, 48000 Hz, stereo (eng)
Video: h264, yuv420p, 1920×1080, 25,00 fps(r) (eng)

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