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Pet Slave – Alana, Saori Kido (4k Ultra HD 2160p / 3.19 Gb)




Alana needed to travel for business and let her pet slave at home with a lot of recommendations to not mess the place around. But eventually, the slave Saori needed to make her necessities and the only place she found to do it was her own food bowl. When Alana arrives from a very long trip, she was furious with that stinky shit! She decides to make Saori clean it herself but in a different way. She will have to eat her own shit and also her dome shit! Alana makes sure to give Saori a really hard time, making her spread the entire scat on her body and eat it very slowly to feel the awful taste!

Starring: Alana, Saori Kido
Genres: Scat, Piss, Big shit, Lesbian, Domination, Eat shit, Smearing

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