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Personal toilet – Lisa Black, Chimeny, Alica Roche (4k Ultra HD-2160p / 2.83 Gb)




Alica and Chimeny are resting their feet on top of Lisa’s back, that is Chimeny’s personal slave. They are so tired of using high heels hurting them all day that they obligate Lisa to massage, smell and lick their feet, just so they can feel relaxed. Not satisfied yet, Chimeny decides she wants a good treatment to her beautiful ass too. A session of asslicking and smelling on these two goddesses happen and it’s delicious to watch. To complete the circle of pleasure and relaxing, it’s time to make the slave suffer a little bit: it’s poop time! Chimeny starts it, shitting and pissing, and obligating her to rub it all over her body and eat. Alica wants to participate too and do the same, enjoying to see Lisa disgusted with their soft and pasty scat…

Starring: Lisa Black, Chimeny, Alica Roche
Genres: Scat, Piss, Spit, Diarrhea, Lesbian, Smearing, Domination, Eat shit

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