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ModelNatalya94 – Shit mouth again pose 69




Scat, Piss, Big shit, Lesbian, Eat shit, Smearing

Dear lovers of posture 69. In this video you will see Olga and Yana. We shot a video where we shove each other in the mouth. First we tongue caressed our anus and clitoris, thrusting the tongue deeper into the vagina. Then we shit and wrote right in the mouth. Then we kissed each other with dirty mouths and swallowed even more warm shit. Drooling flowed along with the remnants of shit on our breasts. We enjoyed each other and were glad that we were two together!…

AVC | 1920×1080 | 13.3 Mb/s
AAC LC | 48.0 kHz | 256 kb/s
MP4 | 00:08:36 | 835 MB

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