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ModelNatalya94 – Shit in mouth and face




Groups, Couples, Pee, Poop Videos, Scat, Smearing, Toilet Slavery

Hello dear fans. In this video, you will only see those moments when we pee in the mouth and a face. Yana, Karolina and Alice participate in these videos. You will see how sexy shit looks in our mouth a and on our face. How we eat each other’s shit. Sometimes it’s hard to swallow it, but we do it. We lie down in position 69 and we shit right into our mouths, but because the pressure of shit was great, because aaa a sometimes we waited 2 days, the poop fell right on our face and in our eyes and nose. It’s a shame that we can’t give you the smell of our shit. Yes, you, those who share our fetish with us, you know how it smells. And imagine the smell of three girls intertwined in the room) You can imagine that we came to visit you and we do it for you. Come to us and enjoy! Happy viewing!

AVC | 1920×1080 | 8239 kb/s
AAC LC | 44.1 kHz | 192 kb/s
MP4 | 00:26:14 | 1.55 GB

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