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ModelNatalya94 – Shit I right in mouth girlfriend [Full HD-1080p] 1.57 Gb




We know that you really like to watch when girls shit each other in the mouth, you are very excited about your cock gets up and you masturbate on our shit-related videos. We are pleased to know this and we like to make hot videos for you. This time Marina suggested an idea for this scat video, we thought and agreed. I Alice and Marina decided that in this video we will be completely naked as the clothes in this video is not what. We took a chair and put there Marina, and with Alice sat on the sides, after greeting we asked his girlfriend Marina so she lifted her legs up, Marina raises her legs and we with Alice in turn begin to caress the anus of his girlfriend languages, what is it sweet Marina you just can not imagine, I generally love to caress women’s ass, after we played a little with their tongues with the anus Marina relaxes my ass and I substitute my mouth and Marina fills my mouth shit, Marina also likes to use the mouths of her friends as her own toilet, I chew the shit of Marina , Alice licks Marina’s anus with her tongue again, cleaning it from the shit, playing with Marina’s shit I pass the shit to Marina Alice’s mouth and we eat shit together.

STARRING: ModelNatalya94

GENRES: Scat, Piss, Scattering, Lesbian, Eat shit, Smearing

RELEASED: 30 of July 2018

After Marina’s in the chair I sit, and Marina Alice turns to caress my ass with their tongues, Oh yeah to get me deeper into my hole with their tongues, but then I realized that very much want in a toilet, I relax the anus and Alice framed your mouth and I fill your mouth with shit Alice, Alice starts to stand my shit, and Marina begins to fondle my dirty shit from ass with her tongue. Alice passes my shit mouth Marina and the girls eat my shit together, after me in the chair sat Alice she also raised her legs and we Marina took turns caressing Alice’s ass with her tongues, after caressing Alice’s anus, first I put my mouth and Alice fills my mouth with shit and after me your mouth to the ass of Alice substitutes the Marina and also receives a piece of shit in your mouth out of your ass Alice, together with Marina eat shit Alice and we like it. In this video, the girls take turns shitting into each other’s mouths, sharing each other’s shit eating shit and of course caressing each other’s Asses with their tongues…

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File: modelnatalya94 – shit i right in mouth girlfriend.mp4
Size: 1684913765 bytes (1,57 GiB), duration: 00:16:19, avg.bitrate: 13768 kb/s
Audio: aac, 48000 Hz, stereo (und)
Video: h264, yuv420p, 1920×1080, 30,00 fps(r) (und)

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