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ModelNatalya94 – Carolina’s mouth full of shit (FHD-1080p)




In this video take part: Carolina and Yana, Carolina as a student and Yana as a strict teacher. Ian sat in the chair and watched as the obedient student Carolina performs lessons place lessons Carolina drew in a notebook member, the normal male member. Yana saw this and got angry. She ordered the student Caroline to lie down on the table, Carolina did not resist and did what she was told by the teacher. Yana picked up a rubber penis and began to fuck Carolina first in the pussy and then in the ass, while the teacher Yana took such a pose that the student Carolina could caress her pussy with her tongue. Yana pulls out of the ass of Carolina rubber dick and the student Carolina shits and pisses on the Desk, Yana liked it very much and the teacher Yana orders the student to open her mouth Carolina opens her mouth and Yana shits Carolina directly into her mouth, Caroline’s mouth is full of shit but Yana still continues to shit Carolines mouth. Yana used his mouth his pupil as private toilet. Yes, these lessons from apprentice Carolina was not…

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File: modelnatalya94 – carolina’s mouth full of shit.mp4
Size: 1518600137 bytes (1,41 GiB), duration: 00:14:55, avg.bitrate: 13574 kb/s
Audio: aac, 48000 Hz, stereo (eng)
Video: h264, yuv420p, 1920×1080, 25,00 fps(r) (eng)

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