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Mistress Shiva and her slavegirl (€14.99 YezzClips)




I have a porn shooting today, where a pretty young woman will fuck me in the ass. That’s why you – slave! – will have to help me free my ass from every little bit of shit. First of all, you’ll watch me stick carrots up my ass and dig out the first chunks of poop. I hold these lustfully coated vegetable sticks in front of your nose and command you to eat them! Then I press out a majestic turd. I myself am amazed at the huge amount of shit that has left my body. Afterwards you may watch me splash water into my butt with my anal shower for a whole 10 minutes. Of course I have to squeeze out the water again with loud farting… Only after I have rinsed every little piece of shit out of me, I start to fill the gigantic turd and the poop-infused water into a bottle for you. Give it a good shake… Now you have something tasty to drink while I can enjoy myself on the porn set.


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