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MFX-900 Delicious Scat Front takes [Retro-2005]




This movie is loaded! Latifa and Karla have a special surprise for you! If you like scat flavored pussies, frontal shots and scat worship, then you can’t miss these lesbians showing off what they know how to do best!

This movie is a combination of hot ideas and suggestions from our fans and forum members and we dedicate it especially to all of you… If you thought you had seen it all, think again and check out Delicious Scat Front Takes today!

STARRING: Latifa and Karla


GENRES: Scat, Lesbians, Foot worship, Shitting

DIRECTED BY: Marcelo Cross

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File: MFX-900 Delicious Scat Front takes.avi
Size: 900329472 bytes (858,62 MiB), duration: 01:00:44, avg.bitrate: 1977 kb/s
Audio: mp3, 48000 Hz, stereo, 128 kb/s
Video: mpeg4, yuv420p, 576×432, 29,97 fps(r)

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