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MFX-3143 Paula’s Dinner (2011)



MFX-3143 Paula's Dinner (2011)

Paula is very bad and in this story she demonstrates all her cruelty dominating Karla and Chris. The two slaves are forced hardly to drink piss and vomit, and eat shit. Extremely Exciting and unforgettable action!

Starring: Paula, Karla, Chris

Studio: MFX

Release Year: 2011

Paula's Dinner (2011)

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File: MFX-3143 Paula’s Dinner.mp4
Size: 1446024789 bytes (1,35 GiB), duration: 01:01:37, avg.bitrate: 3129 kb/s
Audio: aac, 44100 Hz, stereo (und)
Video: h264, yuv420p, 1280×720, 25,00 fps(r) (und)

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