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MFX-1331 Sweet Dirty Panties (2007)



MFX-1331 Sweet Dirty Panties (2007)

Alessandra is going to make a visit to her girlfriend Andressa. When she gets there, Andressa asks her to go to the pool. Alessandra go change into a bathing suit, but when she takes her panties out it?s full of crap! She likes to taste and smell the shit in her panties and her bikin during she plays with Alessandra and shit in her panties.

Starring: Andressa and Alessandra

Studio: MFX

Release Year: 2007

Sweet Dirty Panties (2007)

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File: mfx-1331 sweet dirty panties.avi
Size: 733652992 bytes (699,67 MiB), duration: 01:01:39, avg.bitrate: 1587 kb/s
Audio: mp3, 48000 Hz, stereo, 128 kb/s
Video: mpeg4, yuv420p, 640×480, 29,97 fps(r)

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