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MFX-1174 Scat Barb-Q (2004)



Scat Barb-Q (2004)

Release Year: 2004

Starring: Ayumi, Victoria, Saiury, Milly, Lizandra, Latifa

Do you have any idea of what can happen when 6 drunken hungry girls get together for a B@rb – Q? The KINKEST things! The girls start drinking beer, getting wild with lap dances and have a lot of fun while the barbecue is on the grill. They start getting wet and horny and get naked! It s eating time and the meat isn t exactly what they want to eat, so our hotties begin to fart and prepare a delicious SC@T B@RBECUE! They roast the scat on the grill. They taste this wonderful warm shit spiced up with diarrhea sauce specially served in a bowl. They eat and swallow everything and afterwards delight themselves with this scat barbecue, lots of scat lesbian play and tasty vomit dessert! Don t miss this naughty orgy and bon appetit!

MFX-1174 Scat Barb-Q

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File: MFX-1174 Scat Barb-Q (2004).mp4
Size: 864978700 bytes (824,91 MiB), duration: 01:10:33, avg.bitrate: 1635 kb/s
Audio: aac, 44100 Hz, stereo (und)
Video: h264, yuv420p, 640×480, 25,00 fps(r) (und)

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