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LucyPuddles – Hungry Roommate Loves Sophia’s Leftovers (€12.99 YezziClips)




Sara looked at her roommate steadily and repeated the order. “You want me to shit in front of you?” she said timidly. The roommate nodded, and Sara pushed down her panties, intent on giving a good show. Kentaro breathed heavily as he fingered Sara’s chocolate brown anus, that wrinkled star between her porcelain white cheeks. He smelled his finger deeply and sensed warm shit within. Her anus was juicy, with the right amount of texture. As she squatted on top of two white chair, her anus expanded like a hungry tongue, unfurling the tiny folds that withheld the shit from the world. Sara’s poop was buttery smooth, a little shy at first, but with a lot of mass from the forgivable tiny tip. The shit flowed down smoothly and hit the floor with slick thwack. Sara played with her shit and marveled at the smell and texture as it began to break apart on the floor.


The post LucyPuddles – Hungry Roommate Loves Sophia’s Leftovers (€12.99 YezziClips) first appeared on Copro Porn Site #1.

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