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Lesbian Scat Schoolgirls 2 (Brazilian Shit)




The girls decided to punish one of his girlfriends. Invited her for a visit and promised to arrange regular lesbian group sex, but cheated and started tough mock girl. After they push girl on the floor, each in turn approached her and peeing, so that little pressure does not seem exactly.

Babe tried to Dodge, but no such luck, female only stronger pressed it to the floor. On this oerverted girls have not stopped and started shitting girlfriend. Girl desperately resisted, but soon realized it was useless shit she had to eat a lot.

Cast: Brazilian shit loving females only

Released Year: 2009

Studio: SG-Video

Group Brazilian girls bullied over his girlfriend.

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Lesbian_Scat_Schoolgirls_2.mp4 – 430.75 MB

File: Lesbian Scat Schoolgirls 2.mp4
Size: 451669294 bytes (430,75 MiB), duration: 01:00:43, avg.bitrate: 992 kb/s
Audio: aac, 48000 Hz, stereo (und)
Video: h264, yuv420p, 448×336, 25,00 fps(r) (und)

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