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Lesbian Scat Police Girls 1 (Copro Full Movie) LSP 1




Depraved lesbian girlfriend decided to fool around a bit, and at the same time punish two seductive homie. Girl forced to drink their urine, brazenly peeng girlfriends poured urine their faces and piss them with a full mouth, forced to swallow. The culmination of the celebration for the lesbian girlfriends steel scat pranks. Girls shit on the face, forced to open wide her mouth and eat the love. Nothing could teens nowhere had to perform all the whims of girlfriends. It will be remembered for a long time, beauty as well, and those who will watch this scat porn movie.

Cast: Brazilian shit loving females only

Released Year: 2005

Studio: SG-Video

See these dirty brazilian police girls uncensored shitting each other on their bodies and in the mouths!

Brazilian lesbian shitting orgy with lot’s of scat.

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Lesbian_Scat_Police_Girls_1.mp4 – 391.12 MB

File: Lesbian Scat Police Girls 1.mp4
Size: 410117758 bytes (391,12 MiB), duration: 01:00:19, avg.bitrate: 907 kb/s
Audio: aac, 48000 Hz, stereo (und)
Video: h264, yuv420p, 448×336, 25,00 fps(r) (und)

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