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It’s new year’s eve! – Nicole, Alana, Grazy, Saori Kido (4k UHD-2160p / 3.29 Gb)




Alana, Nicole and Grazy are enjoying a good New Year’s Eve party. Already wasted from all the champagne they had, they are talking with each other in an amazing mood. When their friend Saori comes by and gets really upset because the champagne is over, the good friends wanna give her something yellow and hot to drink that she also loves and comes directly from the fountain. Nicole pisses pleasantly on her mouth and also asks Saori to dry her pussy with her tongue. Alana and Nicole also want to give her something and guess what will be? Food! Coming directly from their intestines! Saori savors every piece of shit they give her, mixing scat and piss, not wasting anything and enjoying the little party. I wish I had some good friends like that too, don’t you?

Starring: Nicole, Alana, Grazy, Saori Kido
Genres: Scat, Piss, Vomit, Lesbian, Smearing, Domination, Eat shit

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