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Efrolesbians – Good Boy Watch My Smelly Shit ($7.99 ScatShop)




I love when we’re alone. Ive got a full belly and youve got a full craving. Ive been cramping up all throughout the night. The moment i woke up, i knew i had to take you into the bathroom with me and share what load my body gave me today. I of course talk to you. Welcome you to my shit show. I know you want it. Watch my asshole tease you. I shake my ass a bit, jiggling it all to the surface of my asshole. Crowning a bit. I push as long poop strings pour out. Ooh, what a smell today! I empty out. I grab my shit pile and put it up in your face. Smell it. Good boy. You like my shit? Tell me you like it. I let it fall off my fingers, splatting on the floor.


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