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Diarrhea and Vomit Accident Part 2 ($21.99 ScatShop)




I stop making custom request videos temporarily. I wish you good health guys

So you want to be in the director’s chair and get the video of your dreams?
I will gladly fulfill your dirty desires!

! PLEASE MESSAGE ME FIRST to discuss requests and I will give you detailed information.
I DO: pee, poo, scat, diarrhea, period play, anal, footjob, smearing, speculum play, filling my pussy with shit and shit from both holes of course

If it’s not on this list, ask me please!
• I do not shit 2-3 days before shooting video usually;
• I have a job so I can only make videos in my free time 1-2 times a week.


The post Diarrhea and Vomit Accident Part 2 ($21.99 ScatShop) first appeared on Copro Porn Site #1.

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