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Brazilian Scat Girls (MFX-1000) from 2007




Ever wish you had Scat Models neighbors!?!?!?!?!? Don’t be shy, come on in!!! Get ready to experience the ultimate scat/piss/vomit action!!! These girls are Brazil`s best scat models and they are ready to show us how it’s done!!! Make your fantasy come true now!!! This movie includes: FRONT TAKES, SCAT WORSHIP, LESBIANS, HEAVY SCAT LOADS, PISS FOUNTAINS, MULTIPLE VOMIT on the elected queen AND MUCH MORE!!!!!

In this movie, you’ll also get a chance to see some interaction with the girls as a female narrator and translator gets a camera and films the most absolutely sexy shots!!!!!

You can’t miss it!!! Don`t be left out, knock on the door and come on it!

Starring: Cristina, Raquel, Iris, Karla, Iohana Alvez, Leslie, Latifa, Ravana

With Takefile.link premium you can download videos without any limits !

Studio: MFX

Release Year: 2007

Download from TakeFileLink Right Now!


File: mfx-1000 brazilian scat girls.avi
Size: 940161024 bytes (896,61 MiB), duration: 01:11:04, avg.bitrate: 1764 kb/s
Audio: mp3, 48000 Hz, stereo, 160 kb/s
Video: mpeg4, yuv420p, 512×384, 29,97 fps(r)

Takefile.link Premium

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