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Boiled eggs and shit [ModelNatalya94]




Marina offered us to record a video for you in which we will eat our own shit, but not just with boiled eggs. We cooked some eggs and then cleaned them from the shell and now we can use them in our video. I Alice and Marina sat down on the bed and took one boiled egg, and began to play with them, we set our legs and completely introduce ourselves between the legs of chicken eggs, but in our pussy placed chicken eggs, you pull them out and again introduce yourself between your legs. After that, we take turns getting cancer on his knees raise the hem of the dress and take a shit in the plate, first I then Alice and then Marina, then we sit on the bed and take in hand boiled chicken eggs and smear them in the shit and eat them with their shit, we ate two boiled chicken eggs and a whole plate of shit…

STARRING: ModelNatalya94

RELEASED: 22 of July 2018

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File: modelnatalya94 – boiled eggs and shit.mp4
Size: 1499588202 bytes (1,40 GiB), duration: 00:14:41, avg.bitrate: 13617 kb/s
Audio: aac, 48000 Hz, stereo (und)
Video: h264, yuv420p, 1920×1080, 25,00 fps(r) (und)

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