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BigTitsAlisa – One morning of our lives




Me and my girlfriend Tatiana rested sleep I woke up and looked at what my friend Tatiana is sleeping, I decided not to Wake his girlfriend Tatyana and give her a little more rest. I started to make the bed. I was completely naked. I show you my body and at the same time and make the bed. I made my bed and went to Tatiana and woke her up, Tatiana woke up and we decided to do a little aerobics in the naked video we love morning exercises. After charging, we usually go to the toilet and poop and piss. We decided not coming out of the room do this. I continued to do aerobics and my friend Tatiana at this moment shat on my stomach, I stand in the pose of the bridge. Next Tatiana takes a rubber cock and Fucks me in their pussy-at the moment when I stand in a pose birch. I want to pee, too, and I shit in a birch pose. I’m shitting myself. I finished shitting and Tatiana again picked up a rubber member and again I fucked them in the pussy. Here’s a fun morning we had…

Starring: BigTitsAlisa and Tatiana
Genres: Scat, Piss, Big shit, Lesbian, Dildo, Eat shit, Smearing

File: BigTitsAlisa – One morning of our lives.mp4
Size: 1090592983 bytes (1,02 GiB), duration: 00:10:43, avg.bitrate: 13569 kb/s
Audio: aac, 48000 Hz, stereo (eng)
Video: h264, yuv420p, 1920×1080, 25,00 fps(r) (eng)

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