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[2019] Cigarettes and scat – Milla, Chimeny, Geovana Bombom (4k Ultra HD / 3,59 Gb)




Starring: Milla, Chimeny, Geovana Bombom
Genres: Scat, Piss, Big shit, Facesitting, Lesbian, Domination, Eat shit, Smearing
Release Date: 3-rd of March 2019

Geovana and Chimeny are smoking cigarettes, relaxing and chatting. Their useless slave coughs a lot, complaining about the smoke and saying that the smell is bad. Of course these two hot brunettes won’t let Milla get out of this without punishment, so they will stifle her with their big butts. No air is allowed in her airways, besides the air of the smoke they throw on her nose before closing it with the butts. Of course, it doesn’t end this way, and she also has a special treatment, winning a golden drink in her mouth and in a fancy goblet, where later they also put their digested shit for her to eat. In the end, there’s a lot of disgusting scat all over Milla’s body and mouth, while her mistresses have a lot of fun with her misery!

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