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[2004] MFX-800 Scat Competition 2 (DVDRip)


Amanda Blake


If you like competitions, this is the right movie for you!!! Answering to our forum members and fans requests, MFX brings the second part of SCAT COMPETITION! Our girls will decide once for all, who can provide YOU with the biggest and heaviest scat! Eight of our best girls are divided in two groups of four (Chris, Michele, Karla, Dyana, Sabrina Red, Jessica, Cristina and Ravana). Can you guess who wins? After the first dispute, the girls get ready for a new category: SWALLOW!!! They are not satisfied with the biggest and heaviest scat, they need more!!! They have to swallow as much as they can. And four of our winners manage to swallow 150g of scat each!!! Can you guess who they are?? You can’t miss Ravana’s first time, it’ll be INTENSE and EXCITING!!!…

Starring: Chris, Cristina, Ravana, Karla, Sabrina Red, Dyana, Jessica, Michele Santos
Genres: Scat, Piss, Lesbian, Vomit, Eat shit, Oudoor, Orgy, Smearing, Takefile.link
Release Date: 2004

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File: scat competition ii.mp4
Size: 480142654 bytes (457,90 MiB), duration: 01:10:37, avg.bitrate: 907 kb/s
Audio: aac, 44100 Hz, stereo
Video: h264, yuv420p, 540×360, 29,97 fps(r) => 480×360

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